
Bonnie Cross was born on March 24, 1820 in New York, the author of the famous Christian hymn Jesus Will Keep Me at Calvary. Her birth name was Frances Jane Crosby. Having lost her sight at an early age due to wrong treatment by a bogus doctor, Boni remained blind throughout her life and served the Lord through song.Grandma’s care

After his father’s death, his mother managed the family, but Bonnie

 enrolled in a school for the blind. She worked there as a student for 12 years and as a teacher for 11 years. The encouraging words of many visitors to the school

 inspired Bonnie to write many songs of wisdom.At the age of 23, when a group from the school was sent to the US Congress, Bonnie

 was a special guest. The poem he wrote and recited with a firm belief that the Lord Jesus Christ would be glorified left everyone in the audience awestruck

 .family life

Bonnie Cross fell in love with Alexander Van Alstyne, a blind teacher who studied with her at music school, and married him at the age of thirty- seven. Their only child, a son ,

 died soon after.

Worship through song

In 1864 Bonnie

 met William Bradbury, a famous composer. His encouragement and inspiration led Bonnie

 to write thousands of hymns of wisdom.He was capable of writing seven hymns in a day.8000 of his hymns have been set to music by many composers.More than ten million copies of his hymns have been printed. Boni

 ‘s masterpieces of wisdom such as Believing, Jesus Will Keep Me at Calvary, and Jesus’ Arms Will Protect are still revered today.

The final days

My love for the Holy Bible and its truths is stronger and dearer in my 90s than I was in my 90s, Bonnie

 said in her 90s. He was active till the day of his death. When Bonnie

 shared her testimony on February 12, 1915, I did not regret being blind. He said that when I go to the eternal home my eyes will be opened and I will first see the Savior with my eyes

 . Foni passed into the arms of the Lord on the morning of his 95th birthday

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